LINK to rave 5-star review for SOULSNATCHER from Netanella on Amazon and Goodreads:
Quick-paced, action-packed science fiction
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. So here goes:
I had my doubts about this book going in, as I'm not a big fan of young adult fantasy that seems to predominate these days. However, I did not find this book to be young adult, nor fantasy, although clearly adolescents played a major role in the story, and there were many fantasy elements to the story. In short, I found "Soulsnatcher" to be a well-written, fast-paced, action-packed science fiction thriller of a story that pretty much picked me up as a reader from the first chapter, where Dante gets staked through the chest, to the ending chapters and the dramatic rescue of Chaz and the other children by Cody and the rest of the Enforcers.
There's lots to like about this book. I enjoyed the quick pacing and the action sequences, and Mr. Denney is not afraid to show a little bit of blood and guts in his fight sequences. It's a violent world, and despite the fact that there are kids involved, sometimes life is not fair. People are mean, greedy, abusive. People are dicks.
However, there's also light and magic and love in the story, centered around the security of a loving home and family, a great dog, loyalty amongst friends. These are things that the author clearly values, and it shows in the writing.
There seems to be a preponderance of characters in the story, with a preponderance of names and nicknames, and I became slightly confused at first. Of course, it could have been the wine. :_) Chaz is Binky, and Jasmine is Jazz, but only to her friends. CJ is Cody Jackson, but sometimes the Dark Man. There's the set of twins, Taja Mahal and Tara Tingle, if I remember correctly. And a slew of others, whom I won't mention here, so as not to show my short term memory loss.
Did I mention there's romance as well? Yes, be still my beating heart. In short, this book was a home-run for me, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a great read. Kudos, Mr. Denney.
I had my doubts about this book going in, as I'm not a big fan of young adult fantasy that seems to predominate these days. However, I did not find this book to be young adult, nor fantasy, although clearly adolescents played a major role in the story, and there were many fantasy elements to the story. In short, I found "Soulsnatcher" to be a well-written, fast-paced, action-packed science fiction thriller of a story that pretty much picked me up as a reader from the first chapter, where Dante gets staked through the chest, to the ending chapters and the dramatic rescue of Chaz and the other children by Cody and the rest of the Enforcers.
There's lots to like about this book. I enjoyed the quick pacing and the action sequences, and Mr. Denney is not afraid to show a little bit of blood and guts in his fight sequences. It's a violent world, and despite the fact that there are kids involved, sometimes life is not fair. People are mean, greedy, abusive. People are dicks.
However, there's also light and magic and love in the story, centered around the security of a loving home and family, a great dog, loyalty amongst friends. These are things that the author clearly values, and it shows in the writing.
There seems to be a preponderance of characters in the story, with a preponderance of names and nicknames, and I became slightly confused at first. Of course, it could have been the wine. :_) Chaz is Binky, and Jasmine is Jazz, but only to her friends. CJ is Cody Jackson, but sometimes the Dark Man. There's the set of twins, Taja Mahal and Tara Tingle, if I remember correctly. And a slew of others, whom I won't mention here, so as not to show my short term memory loss.
Did I mention there's romance as well? Yes, be still my beating heart. In short, this book was a home-run for me, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a great read. Kudos, Mr. Denney.
Thank you Netanella for your excellent review, and happy reading!